The Radical New Reality of Systems Science

Our Next
World View
New Worldview Neuroscience (Extended)
Using the 'Two Minds' of Our One Brain
to Think More Realistically
Two 'Hemispheric Minds' for Knowing the 'Two Ways Things Happen' in Systems Science
Right and left hemispheric brain division is an evolutionary necessity for most animals
Adaptive survival requires both exclusive left hemisphere 'point' focus and inclusive right hemisphere 'field' awareness
Each frames our awareness differently, influencing 'how' we see, interpret, and understand in contrasting ways
Human evolution greatly elaborated the adaptive potential of both these hemispheric perspectives
Our left hemisphere enables us to mentally 'abstract' phenomena as 'things,' events, parts, categories, and concepts
Our right hemisphere provides imminent experience of the world, promoting connection, participation, and empathy
Each promotes a different 'sense of self and world,' yet both are paradoxically essential to knowing realistically
In this way we can integrate the 'two ways things happen' described by systems science
However, our technologically obsessed society has demoted and disabled our right hemisphere understanding
​Our two hemispheres perceive connections differently: only the right can comprehend interdependent networks
Our hunter/gatherer ancestors depended upon left hemisphere intelligence for technological manipulation
But their cultures can be regarded as favoring a more holistic right hemisphere biased worldview
Civilization's increased technological dependency began a shift to a more left hemisphere biased worldview
Industrialized, technologically obsessed modernity has overtly privileged the left hemisphere thinking
Comprehend the science of emergently self-organizing systems and their agency requires a logical paradox
living in two worlds -- at the same time?! it is impossible. but we do so constantly. We just do not realize, admit and incorporate this fact in our worldview.
the inherent psychosis of 'whole brain,' bi-dynamical awareness?
R/L in knowing emergent vs deterministic, wild vs. tame, sacred vs profane
The Evolutionary Necessity of Two Hemispheric Minds in One Brain
Most Animals have Bi-lateralized Left and Right Brain Hemispheres

Human Adaptation through Technological Means and the Expansion of Left Hemispheric Specialization
Left < > Right, Left > < Right, Local < > Global, Local > < Global
How do we know when which is dominant?
When left is dominant, right is facilitating it but inconspicously
What is a right dominant experience like if overtly evident?
How does reflexively left dominance become evident?
Two Mental Modes of Attention and Two Contrary Experiences of the World
paradox of perception/conception that mirrors causal /emergent world
Left < > Right, Left > < Right, Local < > Global, Local > < Global
the all embracing, betwixt and between rh minding
Two Mental Modes of Attention and Two Contrary Experiences of Self and World
Exclusive Point-Focused Attention Inclusive Full-Field Attention


The Necessarily Conflicting Ways we 'Make Meaning' from Right and Left Hemisphere Persectives
house, love, etc


The Essential Role of Culture in Mediating Our Right and Left Hemisphere Versions of Reality
Promoting Right Hemisphere Understanding through Artistic and Mythological Symbolism
Brain science can assist in discerning what types of mental activities and experiences promote right hemisphere understanding. And research indicates that the metaphorical symbolism of artistic expressions, literature, and mythological traditions are potent stimulants to that inclusive manner of 'mind-ing' the world. By correlating such symbolism with the factual insights of complex systems and network science, we can begin to understand how it actually served to assist humans to 'see,' in an imaginal yet emotionally potent manner, the strange 'way that things happen' revealed by this new science. Through that correlation we can also enhance our understanding of the implications of the science for our worldview.