The Radical New Reality of Systems Science

Our Next
World View
How to Engage this New Knowledge?
Engaging the New Realities of Network Science--through Its Symbolic Representations
The science of chaotic and complex dynamical systems, along with their self-organizing networks, is highly technical
Fortunately, prominent scientists in these fields of study have now written accessible books on this profound new work
My own background in psychological mythology has enabled me to broaden the implications of this new science
Relying on core concepts articulated by eminent researchers I provide an introduction to its cultural significance
Using symbolic associations I promote awareness of how you are and experience the agency of self-organizing networks
Presentations and Workshops
The implications of network science range across all aspects of contemporary society. From psychology to politics, economics to ecological sustainability, the arts and spirituality, we are compelled to reconsider our assumptions about 'how the world actually works.' I provide basic introductions and focused work shops on how to engage these implications. By correlating basic concepts from the science to similar ones in other knowledge fields, then elaborating these ideas through the metaphors of art and mythic imagination, I enable people to apply the science to particular topics.